Creation #79. Fun with gifs 01. Countdown.

We all know how cheesy and inappropriate animated gifs are for any web design project. Right? Well, actually the other day while working on a web project I was compelled to created one. I needed to create an image that would showcase several products within a small space, so my immediate thought was to use an animated gif and I did and it looks lovely.

For those of you who do not know what I am talking about, a gif file is a small image file format used for web graphics. the name gif is an acronym for Graphics Interchange Format. One of the neat features of gif is its ability to contain multiple images in frames that can be displayed at a predetermined frame rate, much like a video.

Tonight I thought “I should defy the principles of good design and create an animated gif.” Then I thought “how about a new theme where I try to design cool animated gifs? Yeah!” My goal is to design some animated gifs that could be appreciated in an artistic or design sense. It’s probably not going to be easy, but it should be fun. Here is my first one to get me warmed up. I call it Countdown.

creation 79 fun with gifs 01 countdownPlease Follow Circadian Creative on Facebook and Twitter!